Woah dude. Not only is the arrangement FIRE but the sounds you used are also really realistic. What software did you use for this?
Woah dude. Not only is the arrangement FIRE but the sounds you used are also really realistic. What software did you use for this?
Thanks a ton! I used Reaper for my DAW when composing and mixing and FL Studio for mastering.
As for the instruments:
Hollywood Woodwinds Diamond edition for the winds
Hollywood Brass Diamond edition for the brass
Hollywood Percussion Diamond edition for the percussion
Hollywood Harp Diamond Edition for the harp
Ivy Piano in 162 for the piano
8DIO Lacrimosa for the choir
Cinematic Studio Strings for the strings
and finally, Keepforest's Evolution Dragon for the drone/ambience at around 2:20
first of all, wow. i got chills from this. second of all, what software did you use?
Yo! Thank you so much dude. I scored it all in Sibelius Ultimate with the NotePerformer sample pack. I exported all of the audio NotePerformer audio files and mixed then in Logic Pro X. All I did in Logic was add reverb, panning (which you can do in Sibelius), and a tiny, tiny bit of compression.
sounds pretty good but you didn't change too much from the og song
download spitfire labs, if you use the drums, soft piano, and strings (maybe even choir if u wanna spice it up) this could be really good but rn the samples aren't that great.
btw, spitfire labs is free and the samples are AMAZING so i highly suggest doing a remake of this with that
aside from the samples, this song is really good and i love the melodies and chords
vast is the homie
He is the homie
Pretty good stuff, but I might suggest finding some sample packs for drums on the internet, cause I'm pretty sure those were just the default FL Studio ones, and FL Studio isn't known for having the best samples.
Yeah those were the default drums. I usually change them to something different but I felt they fit for this song (or at least the kick, cause I know the snare was a bit weak)
cool stuff homie
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