My ears really did die...
It's so off-tune and... annoying. Sorry :(
Edit : what the fuck was wrong with me jesus christ. it isn't even bad bro
My ears really did die...
It's so off-tune and... annoying. Sorry :(
Edit : what the fuck was wrong with me jesus christ. it isn't even bad bro
If I could give this infinity stars I would! This is just insane! All the synths, the melody, everything! I literally have this page bookmarked!
This song has a great feel to it that I really love and that I really think is awesome. I have heard many many many versions of Gerudo Valley...
Combine all my (previous) top 25 favorite, make that ten times as good, and that's trash compared to this...
This is just hands down my favorite song... If you don't like this, you are an absolute SKRUB!!!
4 stars! This was very fun to listen to!
4.5 STARS!!! Really loved this. Would rate 5 stars, but beginning lead sounded a bit... weird to me. Really loved the growls and stuff during the drop! Good job with this, and keep making music!
Every single thing about this song was amazing. The perfectly set up build-up. The amazing drop. The growls in the drop. The melody. The 'roar' before the drop. The only bad thing is it is way too short. Please release the full sometime!
o.O Amazing Melodic Dubstep!
Yaaay, you like it <3
This... this... this is just... Oh my god... My brain... What happened to my brain? Wha... EXPLOSION OF DUBSTEP OVERLOAD! But seriously, this is some of the most amazing stuff I have ever heard in my life... I don't really see any way to improve! It has amazing melodic chords and stuff... Then some earthsplitter style drop stuff and amazing growls and wubs! This... It is so amazing! Please make more stuff like this!
My plan is to revolutionize the orchestral dubstep genre, sit tight!
i am a mujsician
mujsic mjaker
school of mujsic
mujsic citjy
Joined on 9/20/15